Student Support Services
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Welcome to Norfolk Public Schools Anti-Bullying SafeSchools website
Billy the Bully BusterREPORT BULLYING HEREBullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, is unproductive and unacceptable, and harms school culture and climate. It further harms the individual lives of the bullied students, the bystander, and the bully. Bullying should be prevented, and intervention should be taken in cases where bullying has been reported or is suspected. The School Board of the City of Norfolk, recognizing the negative impact of bullying on student health, safety, and the learning environment, is committed to the provision of school settings that are safe, secure, and free from bullying of any kind.The School Board of the City of Norfolk Policy JFCZ provides procedures that address prevention coordination, education, reporting, and investigating bullying.What is bullying?
Bullying is any aggressive and unwanted behavior that is intended to harm, intimidate, or humiliate the victim; involves a real or perceived power imbalance between the aggressor or aggressors and the student who is bullied; and is repeated over time or causes severe emotional trauma. Bullying includes cyberbullying.Cyberbullying is the willful and repeated harm inflicted by using computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.Bullying is not -- Social rejection or dislike
- Being "bossy"
- Telling a joke about someone once
- Arguments
- Accidental physical harm
- Isolated acts of harassment, aggressive behavior, intimidation, or meanness
Bullying vs. Conflict: What's the Difference?
Are There Different Types of Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation?If you are a target of bullying, locate resources here:
Norfolk Public Schools uses the Vector Alert Reporting System, a service that enables students, staff, parents, and guardians to report safety concerns and kudos in five different ways:
1.App: Download for free:
Apple Store - SafeSchools Alert
Google Play -Vector Alert2. Phone: 757-255-7461 3. Text: Text your tip to: 757-255-7461 (Include NPS’ ID code: 2110) 4. Email: 5. Web: Easily report tips on bullying, harassment, drugs, vandalism, threats of violence, or any other safety issue through the system. When you submit a tip, please be sure to include NPS’ identification code: 2110.
Every tip Vector Alert receives regarding NPS is immediately entered into the system, and a notification is sent to the division. Please know that the system is monitored between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Tips can be submitted anonymously.
IMPORTANT: This site should not be used to report an emergency matter involving an imminent threat to life or property. If your concern involves an immediate threat, call 911.