Become a Volunteer with Norfolk Public Schools



    Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Norfolk Public Schools. Volunteers donate their time to assist school staff in promoting learning and supporting student achievement. Volunteers should work under the direction of school staff.  Norfolk Public Schools is looking for people who want to make a difference in the lives of our students. The time commitment is nothing compared to the lives you will change, or the lives that will change yours. We need chaperones, mentors, tutors, assistant coaches, cafeteria monitors, and more.

    All interested volunteers must complete an application. Once approved, volunteer status will be valid for two years. 
    You will be guided through the easy application process and required to e-sign a release form. Once submitted, your profile information will go directly to JD Palatine for processing. Most background checks will be completed within 10-14 business days. Should further review be necessary before a determination can be made, you will be contacted by email with instructions. 

    All approved volunteers will receive an email notification letting them know that they are approved and then will receive an approval email from Raptor within 10-14 business days.

    To volunteer with Norfolk Public Schools, you must meet the following criteria:

    • You cannot have any felonies on your record.
    • You cannot be a registered sex offender.
    • You must be eight (8) years removed from a misdemeanor charge.

    Levels of service include:

    • Periodic Volunteers- A periodic volunteer is someone, under the supervision of a NPS Staff member, who assists occasionally and sporadically, such as once a month, or for specific events.  Examples include assisting with field day, serving as a chaperone, or judging a science fair.
    • Regular Volunteers- A regular volunteer is someone who assists on a regularly scheduled basis, such as once a week. Examples are reading buddies, mentors, tutors, or athletic coaching.

    To volunteer click here.

  • What happens once I complete my Raptor Application? Process for Notifying Volunteers After Approval