- Norfolk Public Schools
- Overview
World Language and English as a Second Language
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The World Languages and English as a Second Language Office of Norfolk Public Schools strives to ensure students exceed local, state, and national standards. Norfolk Public Schools takes pride in preparing our World and English Language students to be global citizens in a culturally diverse world; able to live, work and succeed throughout all facets of their futures.
Norfolk Public Schools English as a Second Language Program Goals and Objectives
The goal of Norfolk Public School District’s ESL Program is to provide equitable educational opportunities for culturally and linguistically diverse students who have a primary or first language other than English. The primary focus is to provide an English-rich environment that provides opportunities to reach English language proficiency as soon as possible. Norfolk Public Schools works to create learning environments that encourage pride in cultural heritage and supports English Learners (ELs) towards graduation.
The English as a Second Language (ESL) program strives to achieve the following learning objectives:
Identify and assess all students whose first or primary language is one other than English as indicated in the Home Language Survey (HLS)
Provide ESL instruction for ELs in all English language domains: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.
Assess and monitor the academic progress of ELs with on-going assessments.
Create a learning environment that provides for the affective and cognitive needs of ELs.
Communicate instructional goals and expectations to families and encourage them to support their student's progress.
Provide ESL program personnel with professional development in appropriate instructional, assessment and culturally responsive teaching strategies needed to support ELs.
Hire and maintain staff to provide ELs with an equitable educational opportunity.
Monitor students who have exited the program to assure continued language and academic success
Provide professional development for content area teachers to equip them with the tools that they need to educate ELs in their classroom.

Contact Information
Zachary Neumann
Senior CoordinatorJulianne Flores
ESL Instructional SpecialistDarlene J. Waters
Administrative Secretary
Project Manager, Family & Community Engagement for English LearnersRosemont Center
7000 West Tanners Creek Drive, Rm 8
Norfolk, VA | 23513
Phone (757) 852-4630, extension 3514
Email eslsupport@nps.k12.va.usOffice Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.