Willard Elementary School

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Instructional Focus and Mission

  • Instructional Focus:

    Willard Sharks “Chomp Into Comprehension.”  Students in grades Pk-2 will retell stories with detail.  Students in grade 3-5 will summarize.

    Willard Sharks “Chomp Into Comprehension.”  Students will make measurable growth as measured by Teaching Strategies Gold (PK), PALs (PK-3), District Benchmark assessments (2-5) and SOL assessments (3-5).  Students in grades PK-2 will be provided direct teaching opportunities on details to support retelling such as characters, setting, problem, solution, feeling, beginning, middle and end of stories.  Students in grades 3-5 will summarize determining main idea and supporting details.  Graphic organizers be used to support student learning.

    Willard Elementary School's mission is...

    To ensure the success of each student in a safe, stimulating, and challenging environment supported with a committed workforce that focuses on quality teaching and learning.

    We Believe

    • All students will learn.
    • All students will be held accountable for acceptable behavior and respecting peers and adults.
    • All personnel within the organization will be held accountable for ensuring that decision-making is data-driven and congruent with the district's vision, mission, and goals.
    • Meaningful professional development is critical to quality work performance.
    • Cultural diversity and learning styles of students will be recognized, and enhanced alternative education programs are essential for students.
    • Data analysis is critical to examining existing practices, programs, and initiatives for continuous improvement.
    • All students, staff, parents, and community members are ambassadors for the school system



  • Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year. We are excited to open our doors to our Sharks for this upcoming school year.

    Willard Model Elementary School is like a family. We are proud to have had a Norfolk Public Schools' Teacher of the Year, Mr. Matthew Roadruck (2014). Additionally, we have had two teachers place in the Norfolk Public Schools' Top 10 Teacher of the Year, Mrs. Sherry Lee (2015) and Mrs. Dana Wakefield (2016). We have a dedicated faculty and staff willing to go "above and beyond" to meet the needs of our students. While students are learning, teachers will be nurturing a positive, safe and caring environment for students to excel. In addition to recognizing students for their academic successes, we are also recognizing students who exhibit positive character traits and make efforts to improve the school day for others. Four overarching themes exist this year as we address behaviors. We are recognizing students who are SAFE, are RESPONSIBLE are RESPECTFUL and are KIND. Please help us reinforce these behaviors by acknowledging these same appropriate behaviors at home.

    I invite parents and family members to be actively involved in the daily learning taking place through our school. Small steps will lead to huge successes. Check for classwork that needs to be submitted through Canvas. Check ParentVUE to stay abreast of classwork and test grades. Create an open dialogue with your child about school to learn his/her favorite subjects and why that subject is a favorite.  Become an NPS approved volunteer.

    The faculty and staff at Willard Model Elementary School want all of our students to be successful and feel great about the education they are receiving.

    I encourage you to maintain an active role in your child’s education. Together, we can create a positive learning experience for your child.

    We are in this together. Let’s have a “JAW-some” year!

    Mrs. Honeycutt

    Read 14.2 PASS IT ON!

    Read 14.2 Video

    Willard Misses Our "kids"!

District Information

Contact Information

  • Mrs. Karen Pernell, Principal
    1511 Willow Wood Drive
    Norfolk, Virginia 23509

    Phone: (757) 628-2721
    Fax: (757) 628-3997


    Office Hours:
    Monday-Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm

    Student Hours:
    Monday-Friday: 8:55am - 3:20pm