Tanners Creek Elementary School

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Division Information

Tanners Creek Announcements

  • Seeking Community Input: Norfolk Public Schools Corrective Action Plan/Reconstitution Agreement for School Improvement
    Recently, NPS  completed work with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) on a new Corrective Action Plan/Reconstitution Agreement for School Improvement. This work  captures Norfolk’s targeted steps in district turnaround based on student achievement outcomes for the city’s schools that fall under the state sanction of “Accreditation Denied” or “Partially Accredited: Reconstituted”.   The plan may be found by clicking here.
    For comments or suggestions, please contact the principals of the specific schools identified in the plan.   
    Comments (-1)

School Info

  • Mrs. Rhonda C. Harris, Principal


    Office Hours
    Monday - Friday
    8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

    Student Hours
    8:55 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.


  • Vision

    To provide a safe and academically challenging environment that will help students evolve into lifelong learners and productive citizens.



    To provide an educational environment that meets the individual needs of the students


    Instructional Focus

    Tanners Creek will improve comprehension by engaging in specific reading strategies (schema, visualizing, determining importance, and making inferences) across the curriculum. Student growth will be measured in all areas by various internal and external assessments.



    Koalas CLIMB to the top with comprehension and don't stop.