NPS Vision: “Equity and Excellence for Each Child”
Academic Achievement
Attracting and Retaining Effective Staff
Improving Aging Infrastructure
Developing and Sustaining Community Partnerships and Engaging Stakeholders
Creating a Culture of Caring
Mission: Ghent School's mission is to develop students who are highly motivated, mature and self-confident; who possess well-developed personal and social skills and demonstrate excellent learning behaviors.
Instructional Focus: Ghent School's Instructional Focus is "Reading and Writing Across Content Areas." Reading and writing are vital components to academic success. We support this with the #READy2Write emphasis that is presented throughout the academic program and supported through our Read 14.2 push.
SMART Goals:
We believe
In encouraging students to work independently and in teams, always showing support and concern for others.
In establishing and maintaining our school-wide focus, "Reading and Writing Across Content Areas" based on authentic, engaging instruction to ensure the development of life-long college and career-ready learners.
The true measure of a school is not in its building or resources, but in the strength and effectiveness of the people who make up the school community.