Oceanair Elementary School

Home of the Dolphins!

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Mission Statement

  • The instructional focus for Oceanair Elementary is reading comprehension in all content areas while incorporating the following instructional strategies:  justification, higher-level questioning, and vocabulary.  Dolphins Dive into Comprehension

    The mission of Oceanair Elementary School, a Title I pre-k- fifth grade in a diverse urban setting which lays the foundation without limited possibilities, is to prepare, educate and inspire our students on a pathway of lifelong learning and success. 


    Oceanair School Focus

District Information

Contact Information

  • Mrs. Katrina Rountree-Price, Principal
    600 Dudley Avenue
    Norfolk, Va 23503

    Phone: (757) 531-3095
    Fax: (757) 531-3099


    Office Hours: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
    Student Hours: 8:30 am -  3:20 pm