Phone: 757-628-2721


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

Mrs. Irons

Hello Willard Sharks!  I have been a second grade teacher at Willard for nine years.  Before Willard, I taught 11 years, grades K-5 for York County School Division on the Peninsula and Baldwin City School District (USD 348) in Kansas.  When I am not teaching at Willard, I like to read, bake, ballroom dance, do gymnastics, and try new food. I am excited to get to know all of you, and I am looking forward to a great year!

NEW AS OF August 5th:

The subject bars on the left contain links to learning websites.  Some of these websites have printable worksheets.

You can check out the following fun links on the web. I will change these periodically to show you new and interesting things I have discovered.

Here are NEW fun links as of August 5th.

NASA Mission X: Train Like an Astronaut

National Agriculture in the Classroom

National Aquarium

National Geographic Kids

Oregon State University: Food Hero

San Diego Zoo