- Norfolk Public Schools
- Overview

Department Overview
The art programs for Norfolk schools are designed to provide a sequential building of skills, knowledge and understandings in art based on the Virginia Visual Arts Standards of Learning through the following programs:
Elementary Art seeks to develop the skills, knowledge and understandings that are essential to success both now and in the future. A curriculum guide helps ensure consistency and quality of instruction district wide. Art curriculum and associated activities are designed to reinforce all areas of the curriculum, while introducing the students to media, techniques, and ideas that will facilitate personal and conceptual development and artistic expression.
Middle School Art instruction is offered through the elective courses, Art 6, Exploratory Art, and Art 8. Art 6 is a 9-week rotational elective offered to sixth graders. It offers a survey approach to a variety of media, techniques, and historical/cultural concepts.
Exploratory Art is offered to seventh- and eighth-grade students. It seeks to meet the increasing social-consciousness needs of the middle school student through exploration of the role of art in society and various cultures, personal expression through media and new techniques, and the development of critical thinking through the exploration of art history and aesthetics.
Credit-bearing Art 8 parallels high school Art I and emphasizes skill and concept development through realistic representation and expressive communication. Art 8 serves as a prerequisite for upper level specialized art courses and prepares students for intensive study at the high school level.
High School Art instruction is designed to not only meet the needs of the visually talented student, but to also offer skills and knowledge development essential to the future viewer of art, future employee, and to the future consumer and citizen. After the Art I: Introduction to Art course (or credit-bearing Art 8), senior high elective courses offer students the opportunity to sample various art content areas or to develop a concentrated field of interest. The course sequences offered give students the opportunity to develop an art career or marketable skill, achieve advanced placement standing for their college career in the visual arts and to earn a Tech Prep diploma seal. Art is an integral part of the International Baccalaureate program at Granby High School.
Advanced art students are invited to participate in an annual trip to the National Portfolio Day at the Corcoran Museum in Washington, D.C. Norfolk students along with others from the region can request feedback from representatives of more than 50 institutions of higher learning with degree programs in art.
Advanced Placement Both Advanced Placement Studio Art and Art History are offered at the senior high school level. Contractual agreements between each studio student and the art instructors are drawn to define the individualized instruction and counseling necessary to prepare students for successful Advanced Placement Studio Art portfolio development. The curriculum guide offers students the opportunity to develop their Advanced Placement portfolio in the areas of photography, two-dimensional studio, or three-dimensional studio.
Selected Exhibitions/Community Activities We exhibit student artwork grades K-12 year-round at various locations throughout the city of Norfolk and regionally. Some of our exhibiting locations are The Norfolk Central Administration Building, The Kroc Center, Selden Arcade, Slover Library, Norfolk Fitness and Wellness Center, Hermitage Museum and Gardens, Norfolk State University, Chrysler Museum of Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Virginia Beach, VA, Virginia Art Education State Conference.
Professional Development Ongoing professional development based on departmental needs is designed for all K-12 art teachers. Special support sessions are offered for beginning teachers. Opportunities are available for peer observation and collaboration. Mentor teachers provide support where needed or requested.
Contact Information
Dr. Georgeanna Fellio
Senior Coordinator
Rosemont Center
7000 West Tanners Creek Road
Norfolk, VA | 23513Phone: (757) 852-4674
Fax (757) 852-4677
gfellio@nps.k12.va.usOffice Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.