Gifted Education & Academic Rigor Services

  • The Office of Gifted Education & Academic Rigor Services works to develop the gifts and talents evident in our children by working with all of our stakeholders to create a wide range of engaging learning experiences that nurture our students’ social, academic, and emotional growth.  Watch "I Am Gifted"

    Click HERE for the Parent/Guardian Overview of Gifted Education & Academic Rigor Services 


    Thank you to everyone who attended our March 26 Parent Workshop entitled "Moving On Up: Supporting Your Gifted and High-Ability Student Transition to The Next Level". For those unable to attend or interested in reviewing, use link to view the recording:  MOVING ON UP  - PARENT WORKSHOP RECORDING

    GIFTED EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE (GEAC): Our last GEAC meeting for 2023-2024 school year is scheduled for Tuesday, June 11th from 6 pm - 7:30 pm. This GEAC meeting will be held virtually, via Zoom.  All interested parents, teachers, and community members are welcome to attend. Please click HERE to register for a  Zoom link to attend, or use the QR code in the GEAC FLYER.


    SOCIAL EMOTIONAL SUPPORT: Secondary students and parents: Please visit our new Social Emotional Interactive site for helpful information and resources. 

    Philosophy of Gifted Education
    Norfolk Public Schools defines gifted students as those whose abilities and potential for accomplishment are so outstanding that they require services and programs to meet their educational needs.  Gifted students come from many backgrounds, and their special abilities cover a wide spectrum of human potential.  Students identifed as gifted deserve to be challenged to maximize their educational potential.  Norfolk Public Schools recognizes that the social and emotional needs of gifted students should be addressed by instructional and enrichment experiences that reflect an understanding of the complexities of the development of gifted learners that differs from that of their peers.

    "Fair isn't everyone getting the same thing; fair is everyone getting what they need in order to be successful."


  • Courtroom Law semi-final in District Court was held April 30th - Ghent School verses Northside Middle School.


    This year's winner was Ghent, congratulations!




Contact Information

  • Ms. Karla Stead
    Senior Coordinator

    The Rosemont Center
    7000 West Tanners Creek Drive
    Room 318
    Norfolk, VA 23513

    Office Hours 
    Monday - Friday
    8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

    Phone (757) 852-4674, Opt. 3


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