Science Education

Science Goals

  • The purposes of scientific investigation and discovery are to satisfy humankind’s quest for knowledge and understanding and to preserve and enhance the quality of the human experience. It is the goal of Norfolk Public Schools’ Science Office to ensure that the key components of the Virginia Department of Education Science Standards – which are critical to implementation and necessary for student success in achieving science literacy – are realized. The Science Office will strive to ensure that teachers:

    • Align instruction to the standards and emphasize the commitment to teach all children.
    • Collaborate from class to class, grade to grade, school to school, and home to school.
    • Engage students and allow time on task that is critical.
    • Teach science in a manner which reflects quality research-based teaching practices.
    • Effectively implement formative assessments throughout the instructional process to monitor students’ mastery of standards and offer appropriate intervention and remediation services as needed.
    • Ensure that students demonstrate appropriate scientific conceptual and procedural knowledge by using depth of knowledge to increase student achievement and academic rigor.
    • Integrate reading comprehension and writing strategies into science instruction.
    • Improve performance in science on district, state, and federally mandated tests.
NPS Science Logo - Equity & Excellence - Science World

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