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Open Surveys
Booker T. Washington High School STEAM Survey
In May 2023, the School Board of the City of Norfolk designated Booker T. Washington High School as a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) high school. The School Board directed the administration to develop comprehensive curricula and programs within that framework. The board’s resolution states that the "framework includes but is not limited to the educational specifications and programming offering enhanced Performance, Visual and Multimedia Arts, A/V (Audio/Visual) and Communications Technology, Cybersecurity, Entrepreneurship and Hospitality commencing in phases beginning in 2024."
Norfolk Public Schools seeks community input as the division administration develops the curricula and programming to support the new STEAM program for the 2024-2025 school year along with the existing Academy for the Visual and Performing Arts.
Please answer a few questions to help inform our work as NPS develops this STEAM programming.
Closed Surveys
2023 Parent Involvement SurveyAttention families with students enrolled in special education services. Please take the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) survey. The annual parent involvement survey helps the VDOE to identify training needs related to special education processes. Survey results help Norfolk Public Schools and the state to improve parental involvement in the special education process and improve outcomes for all students. Please complete one survey per child. It's quick and it's easy!
2024-2025 and 2025-2026 Academic Calendar
Help us decide what the academic calendar should look like for the next TWO school years! These options have been designed with input from the NPS Calendar Committee and members of the teacher forum. Both options start school two weeks before Labor Day. End dates differ: last week of May or the first week of June. The ending dates affect breaks including Thanksgiving.
Please take a moment to share your opinion! The School Board will consider this input and is expected to vote in December.
Jgdz/Jgez. Student Suspension/Expulsion
The School Board of the City of Norfolk would like to have your input on the following policy that is on the discussion agenda during the August 2, 2023 (2nd reading) work session and August 16, 2023 (vote) business meeting.
The following policy will be up for vote at the August 16, 2023, business meeting:
The revisions include requiring attendance at an alternative school for students during a long-term suspension (any suspension longer than 10 days). Additionally, if students do not attend alternative school, truancy charges will be filed.
Your continued input is valuable in our decision-making on policies and procedures governed by the School Board. Please click this link (CLICK HERE) to submit your comments on this policy.
Title I, II and IV Application Survey
Please complete this survey by Wednesday, May 24, 2023. Your survey responses will guide decisions about how we allocate funding for Titles I, II, and IV, and support our planning of future events for the Division Family Engagement Committee. Your personal information will be kept confidential and will not be shared outside this committee.
Click here to complete the survey.Please join us for a meeting where we will share the list of the division’s 29 identified Title I Schools, along with how NPS is using Title I funding to support schools, students, and families. Title I funding pays for staff, professional development and resources, as well as other crucial supports for high-poverty schools.
Plan for Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Survey
The purpose of the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Fund is to help safely reopen and sustain the safe operation of schools and address the impacts of COVID-19 on students’ academic, social, emotional, and mental health needs. As a part of the requirements for these funds, each division must update a plan for a safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services at least once every six months. Norfolk Public Schools’ plan is due to be updated by June 1, 2023.
Please consider reviewing the draft update and providing feedback to be considered in the final draft that will be posted by June 1, 2023. The latest draft can be found here.
Booker T. Washington Vision For The Future
In December 2019, the City of Norfolk School Board passed a resolution to provide funding and guidance to shape the future of the historic Booker T. Washington High School. The School Board seeks “to ensure that Booker T. Washington High School has a vibrant and competitive Academy that will retain and attract a diverse group of students from across the city.”
To move forward on that direction from the School Board, Norfolk Public Schools hired HBA Architects to conduct a Feasibility Study. The goal of this study is to review the current instruction programs and the spaces that house them, consider the current and future goals of teaching and learning and the school’s curriculum, and define what spaces and structures are needed to support a modern, comprehensive high school and an innovative Academy of the Arts program.