Rock Star Award

  • Click to view October's Rock Stars

    What is the Rock Star Award?

    This program acknowledges teachers in Norfolk Public Schools working toward improvement on the division’s “Big Rocks,” as outlined at the Summer Leadership Institute. Once a month, Superintendent Dr. Sharon I. Byrdsong and members of ELT will surprise the winning teacher.

    Why create the Rock Star Award?

    To promote Literacy, Accountability, and Attendance! This award provides a symbol of that recognition and allows teachers to be celebrated by both internal and external audiences.

    Who is eligible for a Rock Star Award?

    Any teacher who has reached 95 percent student complete on their class’s STAR assessments. In months where STAR Assessments are not taken, teachers who have perfect attendance and/or show creativity and accountability toward attendance goals will be the recipients.

    How is a teacher nominated?

    Monthly data reports will be collected by Assessment, Research, and Accountability (ARA). CCE will share a set of names with each Chief to engage their team with distributing the Rock Star Award to the various schools. A recognition calendar will be provided.

    Is there a prize for the Rock Star Award?

    Along with recognition from Dr. Byrdsong, the winning teacher will receive a gift, donated by a community partner, and an engraved Crystal Star award. The interaction will be filmed and photographed by Communications and Community Engagement staff for inclusion in the Superintendent’s Report, NPS Now video and newsletter, and shared on social media. Principals will be tasked with sharing the teacher’s recognition via social media, newsletters, or announcements, school marquee, and other internal platforms.

No Matter What Recognition

  • What is the No Matter What Recognition?

    The recognition is open to any Norfolk Public Schools employee, each school and department will nominate one staff member each week to be recognized for their “No Matter What” spirit!

    What is the purpose?

    To recognize outstanding Norfolk Public Schools employees! Building principals, executive directors, and supervisors will recognize staff members going above and beyond their job descriptions to ensure Equity and Excellence for All.

    What are the criteria for the No Matter What Recognition?

    Criteria encompass the #TeamNoMatterWhat spirit, as indicated below, but not limited to.

    · School Pride/Spirit

    · Literacy

    · School Safety & Climate

    · Perfect Attendance

    · Accountability

    · Parent / Community Involvement

    · Innovation

    Is there a prize for the No Matter What Recognition?

    Each winner will be given a certificate and will be highlighted on the school’s or department’s communications channels, which could include morning announcements, social media, school marquee, website, and/or newsletters. Hashtags: #TeamNoMatterWhat, #NPSProud, #WeAreNPS

    Once per semester, names of winners from schools/departments will be submitted to Karen Rose-Tanner, Clerk of the Board, for the School Board’s December/May recognitions. School and department winners will receive a No Matter What certificate.