- Norfolk Public Schools
- Student Registration Support
- Tuition Rates
Student Support Services
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Academic Support
- Behavioral Support
- Health Mitigation Plan/School Year 2022-2023
Student Registration Support
- Compulsory Attendance Law
- Custody/Residency
- Out-of-District Transfers
- Report of Out of Zone Student
- Home Schooling
- Student Registration
- Required Registration Documentation
- Student Registration -
- Physicals and Immunizations
- Foreign Exchange
- Tuition Rates
- Military Families
- McKinney Vento Application 2024-2025
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- Contacts
- Transition Support Services
- Student Records & Record Requests
- Bullying
- S.A.F.E. (Suicide Awareness For Everyone)
- Community Resources
- Mental Health Awareness
- Title IX Coordinator
- CPS Mandated Reporter Update
- Transcripts/Student Records
- Attendance Guidance for SY2023-2024
- National Child Abuse Prevention Month
- Home Schooling
- Registration Guide
Tuition Rates
In compliance within Virginia Code §22.1-5 the approved tuition rates for 2024 – 2025 SY are:
$7,717.74 - Regular Education
$19,483.00 - Special Education
$14, 109.00 - Regular Education
$29, 697.00 - Special Education
JEBA. Persons Twenty Years of Age and Over
Tuition Fees. It shall be the policy of the Norfolk Public Schools to charge tuition to students as prescribed in sections §22-218.3 and §22-219 of the Code of Virginia. Waivers of tuition may be granted at the discretion of the superintendent of schools in categories as follows:
- Persons Twenty Years of Age and Over. Students 20 years of age and over are required to pay tuition. Tuition payments will be paid each month in advance. If tuition has not been received by the 10th of each month, the student will be withdrawn from school. In the event of extenuating circumstances, an investigation will be made by the DSSS. Based on the investigation, the senior director, DSSS, will make an appropriate recommendation to the superintendent. The superintendent may waive the tuition requirements for any given period of time and continuation to be contingent upon attendance and performance. Special education students turning 22 years of age after September 30 may remain enrolled through the remainder of the school year.
- Nonresidents of State. Custody is not held by the relative or other person with whom the child/children are living; nor will parent consent to custody. Such persons are expected to pay tuition. However, should there be extenuating circumstances, the procedure as outlined in section A would apply.
- Nonresidents of City.
- Parent/child is a resident of a Virginia community other than Norfolk: Normally tuition payment is expected. If extenuating circumstances make this inappropriate, the procedure outlined in section A would apply.
- Parent-guardian moves from the City of Norfolk during the school year to a nearby community and expects the child or children to continue school in Norfolk with tuition waived: Tuition will be waived only under the following conditions:
- If the parent or guardian moves from the city after Thanksgiving, tuition will be waived until the end of the first semester only. People moving during the first semester prior to Thanksgiving will not be granted a tuition waiver.
- If the parent or guardian moves from the city after the spring break, tuition will be waived for the remainder of the regular school year only. People moving from the city during the second semester, but prior to spring break will not be granted a tuition waiver.
- Where tuition is due for a portion of a semester, it will be charged on a pro-rated basis.
Click here for or our online portal for Tuiton Waiver Requests.