• Gifted Education Advisory Committee (GEAC) Click here for the GEAC application.

    The purpose of the Gifted Education Advisory Committee (GEAC) is to advise the School Board of the educational needs of all NPS gifted students. The duties and responsibilities of the GEAC are to:

    • Review annually the local plan for the education of gifted students, including revisions;
    • Determine the extent to which the local plan for the previous year was implemented;
    • Develop annual goals and priorities;
    • Represent the community and advocate for the gifted;
    • Encourage a collaborative relationship between School Division staff and the community;
    • Become knowledgeable about current programs, research, and best practices in gifted education and its relationship with general education;
    • Focus attention on issues relative to improving the educational services for gifted students;
    • Seek out and consider data relevant to the current gifted programs; and
    • Submit comments and recommendations of the advisory committee in writing to the Superintendent and the School Board.

    Membership of the Advisory Committee will be appointed by the School Board from recommendations of the full Advisory Committee. The term of membership will be three (3) years. With the recommendation of the nominating committee and the endorsement of a majority of voting members, members may serve additional terms in accordance with the bylaws of the Advisory Committee and the School Board Policy Regulation BCF-R.

    Voting membership of the Advisory Committee will include up to a maximum of twenty-four (24) persons, including at least twelve (12) members representing parents of students in the gifted program. Others members can be, community representatives, business leaders, educators from higher education, a secondary gifted student and Norfolk Public Schools staff members.

    The Norfolk Public Schools representatives can include the following persons who have an interest in gifted education: the program director, other administrative personnel (including principals) and educators from the following areas: arts, elementary, middle, and secondary levels.

    The voting membership of the Advisory Committee shall reflect the ethnic and geographical composition of the School Division.

    To learn more about “BCF-RD. GIFTED EDUCATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO THE SCHOOL BOARD, click on this link.

    Click here for the GEAC application.