- Norfolk Public Schools
- Learning Support - Special Education Services
Literacy Plan
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- Literacy Across Content Areas
- Learning Support - Special Education Services
- English Learners
- Resources for Families
- Norfolk: A Community of Readers and Writers
- READ 14.2 Initiative
- Professional Development
- Virginia Literacy Act: Overview & Updates
- Virginia Literacy Act: Required Division Documents
- Glossary of Literacy Terms
The Norfolk Public Schools Department of Learning Support - Special Education Services is dedicated to meeting the unique needs of students with disabilities by providing a continuum of services and programs from early childhood through post-secondary for young adults.
Improving literacy among students with special educational needs is crucial for their overall academic success and lifelong learning. Tailored interventions, inclusive teaching methods, and individualized support can make a significant difference in empowering these students to develop essential literacy skills and thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Specially-Designed Instruction
Students with disabilities in Norfolk Public Schools receive specially designed instruction (SDI) to meet their unique disability-based needs.
Specially designed instruction means adapting to the needs of the child, the content, methodology or delivery of instruction. The instruction is adapted as needed to address the child’s unique needs related to the child’s disability and to ensure access to the general curriculum. It is an individualized approach to instructional planning and not a “one size fits all.”
High Leverage Practices Support Literacy Achievement
High Leverage Practices (HLP’S) are essential to promoting improved outcomes for students with disabilities. Research demonstrates that these best practices impact student achievement and can be used across content areas and grade levels. These instructional strategies, developed by the Council for Exceptional Children , are organized around four aspects of practice. Click on each category to learn more.
Social / Emotional / Behavioral
Collaborative Teaching
Collaborative teaching in NPS English/Language Arts classrooms not only fosters a supportive learning environment for all students but also enhances each individual student's literacy achievement by addressing specific needs and building confidence through scaffolded support, appropriate academic challenge, and celebration of incremental growth.
Virginia Standards of Learning Assessments
All students in tested grade levels and courses are expected to particpate in Virginia's assessment program, unless specifally exempted by state or federal law or by Board of Education regulations. Virginia's assessment system includes students with disabilities and students who are English Learners. Students with disabilities and English Learners may take Standards of Learning tests with our without accommodations or they may be assessed through alternate assessment.
MTSS Framework
NPS Literacy employs a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) framework to promote literacy achievement.
- The University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning endorses specific learning strategies that can help students overcome specific learning difficulties that impede literacy. Students use SIM strategies to help them understand information and solve problems.
- Lexia Core5 (elementary school) and Lexia PowerUp (middle school) help students work independently to develop their critical reading skills through individualized, motivational learning paths. All students, regardless of their skill level, can work at their own pace and the teacher is notified when they require support.
- Speech and Language pathologists help students develop effective communication skills so that students may participate in academic and social settings with increased confidence and success.
- For more information about all Special Education services and resources, please visit the NPS Learning Support website.
- Twice exceptional learners also have unique learning needs. Visit the NPS Gifted Education & Academic Rigor Services website for more information.
- VDOE: Special Education for Families
- Tar Heel Reader, a collection of free, easy-to-read, and accessible books on a wide range of topics. Each book can be speech enabled and accessed using multiple interfaces, including touch screens, the IntelliKeys with custom overlays, and 1 to 3 switches.
- The National Center on Improving Literacy provides parents and families practical ideas and strategies to help children become better readers and writers.