- Norfolk Public Schools
- Grades 6 - 8
- Intervention
Literacy Plan
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6-8 Intervention
A multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) is a systemic, data-driven approach that allows divisions and schools to provide targeted, evidence-based interventions to meet the needs of their students. This is done through a clearly defined process that is implemented to fidelity by all stakeholders within the school and/or division.
Virginia Tiered Systems of Support FYI
Reading Support Block
Students needing additional support in reading, evidenced by SOL data, will benefit from enrollment in Reading Support.
In this course, students will receive additional skill-based instruction based on ongoing progress monitoring in Reading Support and English classes.
As literacy skills and confidence develop, students may apply new skills in all content areas.
Within the Reading Support class instructional model, students will
participate in teacher-led small group instruction
complete independent learning tasks
work in Lexia PowerUp strands of word study, grammar, or comprehension
based on data, students may participate in additional small group instruction using Lexia Skill Builders and Lexia Lessons during this time
Lexia PowerUp
Lexia provides the data necessary to understand students’ current skill levels and creates data-driven action plans to enable educators to deliver the right instruction. It provides whole-class instruction, action plans and resources for small-group instruction, and highly individualized interventions for one-on-one support.
Assessment FOR Learning
In addition to small group instruction based on formative assessment data, teachers recognize unit tests as assessments FOR learning. Following protocols to increase student engagement, teachers facilitate corrective teaching and learning opportunities in which students communicate, collaborate, and think critically to assess, correct, and confirm mastery of concepts and skills.
Small Group Instruction
Formative assessment checks and progress monitoring allows teachers to identify students in need of additional support through small group instruction. This method allows for individualized attention, tailored instruction, and active participation, fostering a supportive learning environment that enhances students' reading, writing, and communication skills.