• What are Transition Services?

    Transition services for students with disabilities are those activities that enable a student to successfully move from school to adult life. These activities include instruction, preparation for the world of work, and experiences that help students to live independently in the community. The transition process enables students to create goals for life after high school which may include education (college, university, technical school or training) employment (with or without support) and adult living (where a student will live and the how they will function in their community).

    Points to Remember About Transition Services and Planning:

    • An IEP that is written during middle and high school is a Transition IEP
    • Transition planning should begin as early as needed, BUT NO LATER THAN age 16.
    • The student must always be invited and encouraged to attend any meeting where plans for life after high school are discussed.
    • Parent/caregiver participation is critical to the transition planning process.
    • Transition planning includes the development of goals for life after high school for education, employment, training and independent living as needed. These goals should be based on a student’s preferences, strengths, interest and needs, and should be the focus of every part of the IEP.
    • It is important to identify the adult agencies and supports needed to achieve goals for life after high school. With the permission of the parent or adult student, representatives of appropriate adult agencies should be invited to assist with transition planning.
    • Students and parents must be very knowledgeable regarding decisions made about diploma options, courses of study (classes taken in middle and high school) and participation in testing (SOL and other state assessments). These decisions will affect a students’ ability to successfully achieve their goals for life after high school.