Career and Technical Education Student Organizations (CTSO) provide unique opportunities for students to receive vocational education support designed to enhance school-based and work-based learning. CTSO's benefit participating schools and its actively involved student members by:
Enhancing student academic performance by providing real-world situations, developing problem solving skills, and participating in team work opportunities
Promoting positive work habits that are transferable
Improving the relevance of the educational curriculum
Providing mentoring and professional development training opportunities for staff
Increasing student engagement in academic and occupational pursuits
Enabling students to achieve high academic and occupational standards
Providing opportunities to network with peers at regional and national conferences
Future Business Leaders of America is the co-curricular student organizations which bring business, education and leadership skills together for a positive working relationship through innovative career activities and competitive events.
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America is the co-curricular student organization that offers students the opportunities to expand their leadership and develop skills for
Health Occupation Student Organization is the co-curricular student organization that develops leadership and technical skills through a program of motivation and awareness.
Technology Student Association is the co-curricular student organization that promotes leadership qualities, high standards, scholarships and safety activities with technological resources.
SkillsUSA is the co-curricular student organization that partners students, teachers and industry sponsors to ensure America has a skilled workforce from the Trade and Industrial classes.
DECA is the co-curricular student organization which prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneaurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.