• High-Quality Work-Based Learning (HQWBL)

    Work-Based Learning Division - ACTE

    WBL Methods of Instruction

    Norfolk Public Schools’ Career and Technical Education programs provide students with real-life learning opportunities through an array of high-quality work-based learning experiences. Work-based learning (WBL) is related to students’ career goals and/or interests and is based on instructional preparation performed in partnership with local businesses, industries, or community organizations. The 12 HQWBL methods of instruction currently practiced in Virginia are featured below. Currently, all methods are available to Norfolk Public Schools’ secondary-level students based on age/grade. 


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  • Connecting WBL to Virginia’s 5 C’s  

    WBL experiences reinforce Virginia’s 5 C’s—critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creative thinking, and citizenship— by allowing students to apply these skills in a real-world business or service-oriented work environment. 

    • Collaboration: Work with community members, peers, and mentors
    • Communication: Write and present proposals; make requests and get permissions; publicize and present final project
    • Citizenship: Understand laws and regulations; seek to improve the community; increase community awareness
    • Creativity: Publicize/advertise project; solve problems; present findings
    • Critical Thinking: Develop a project to meet a community need or solve a community problem


                                         5 C's