- Norfolk Public Schools
- Parent Portal
School Counseling and Guidance
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Parent Portal
Have questions about scholarships? Have needs for your scholar and need help? Here are some links to support you and your scholar!
Scholarship Station
This Web site will help both parents and students locate and acquire college scholarships. College can be expensive, but that does not mean it is out of reach. Through hard work, many students earn scholarships and grants so that college becomes a reality instead of a dream. Scholarship money also decreases the loans students may need, and thus the amount of debt students owe post-graduation. Last year's graduating class earned over $40 million in scholarship money! Your school counselors are working as a team to make sure that all of this year's graduating seniors have the opportunity to apply for financial aid, scholarships, and grants for the college or trade schools of their choice. If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact the scholarship chair at your school.
Virginia Career View
Virginia Career VIEW (Vital Information for Education and Work) is recognized as the Commonwealth's Career Information Delivery System for all students in grades K-8 in Virginia. For over 30 years, Virginia Career VIEW has been serving school counselors, educators, workforce development professionals, students, parents, and job seekers through career resources, research, outreaches, and professional development training. Click here so you and your scholar can begin career exploration today
Military Connect
Norfolk is home to the largest military installation on the east coast. Students of all ages are impacted when their loved one is deployed. Military Kids Connect is a fun and interactive website to provide help when needed!
Tutoring for Military Students!
Tutoring and homework help provided at no cost to active duty service members and their eligible dependents. Funded by the Department of Defense (DoD) MWR Library Program, the DoD Navy General Library Program, the DoD Voluntary Education Program and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance.