
  • Community

    CommunityEstablish, strengthen, and sustain community partnerships to support students' engagement, success, and opportunities.


      Objective 1

      • Increase trust amongst NPS stakeholders through timely and transparent communications regarding division-level decisions. 

        Strategy 1:
        Increase stakeholder engagement through the development of internal and external advisory groups to include parents/guardians, business leaders, community leaders, teachers, students, and staff members.

        Strategy 2:
        Ensure all stakeholders have knowledge of key information and decisions and have a clear process to provide input. 

      Objective 2

      • Review and improve partnerships with external organizations to better meet the needs of each student. 

        Strategy 1:
        Develop and implement an on-going, school-specific needs assessment and equitably align partnerships to address those needs. 

      Last Modified on June 2, 2023