- Academy for Discovery at Lakewood
- Overview
2024-2025 Faculty and Staff
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For general contact, please email ADLQuestions@nps.k12.va.us
Shenay A. Lewis, Assistant Principal
Main Office Staff
Michelle Newomb, Office Manager
Dionne Hood, Student Data Specialist
Kenya White School Counseling Office Secretary
School Counseling Office
Rudy Escobar, School Counselor, Department Lead, Last Name A-L
Linda Craven, School Counselor, Last Name M-Z
Naomi Nelson, School Psychologist
Angela Perry, School Social Worker
Athletic Director
Tim Maynard, Athletic Director
School Nurse
Beverly Wilson, Media Specialist
Elizabeth Grusich, Media Assistant
Latoya Rivers, Gifted Resource Teacher-Elementary, Department Lead
Holly Holm, Gifted Resource Teacher- Middle School
Teacher Specialists
Dana Wakefield, Elementary Math Specialist
Tyra Anderson, Elementary Reading Specialist
Analisa Santillan, Instructional Technology Resource Teacher
Darlene Sawyer, Network Engineer
3rd Grade
Nick Andrada, Math, 3rd Grade Level Chair
4th Grade
Echo Rinehart, Science, 4th Grade Level Chair
Jasmine Clanton, Social Studies
5th Grade
Jordan Bottigliero, Science 5th Grade Level Chair
Cheri Niebhodlt-Bedard, Social Studies
Elementary Resource
Jennifer Scott, 5th Grade Strings
Erin Woolbright, 3rd Music and 5th Grade Chorus
Dionna Sexton, 5th Grade Band and 4th Grade Music
Lisa Steele-Whitmire, Physical Education
Hiromi Shields, Physical Education Teacher Assistant
IB Middle Years Program
Dionna Sexton, Band, Department Lead
Bradley White, Mobile Technologies (7th)
Pilar LaRose, Digital Applications (8th)
Future Problem Solving, (6th)
Giovani Harris (See Arts)
Jessica Huntoon (see Individuals and Societies)
Suzanne Walters (see Individuals and Societies)
Stephanie Ogborn (see Language and Literature)
Individuals and Societies
Jessica Huntoon, US History, Department Lead
Todd Conroy, World Geo/Civics and Econ
Language Acquisition
Language and Literature
Stephanie Ogborn, (6th) English Department Lead
Kevin Houck, Pre-Algebra 7th/8th & Geometry, Department Lead
Saodat Zinalova, Algebra/Pre-Algebra 6th
Julian Collins, Pre-Algebra 7th/8th
Judy Gulledge, 6th, Department Lead
Physical Education and Health
Shelly Lomogda, 6th, Department Chair
Tim Maynard, 7th, Athletic Director
Learning Support - Special Education
Brad Baxendell, Middle School Math, Department Lead
Sharon Key-Sutton, Elementary Inclusion 3rd-5th
Karen Jordan, Inclusion Teacher Assistant
Phyllis Barrineau, 5th Reading, MS 6th
Kameron Payne, 7th/8th Lang. and Lit.
Learning Support - Autism Program
Anika Williams, Autism Spectrum Program (3rd/4th)
Bryon Hudson, Autism Spectrum Program (5th)
Kelly Brown, Autism Spectrum Program (6th)
Katherine Justice, Autism Spectrum Program (7th/8th)
Learning Support -Autism Spectrum Program Teacher Assistants
Qua'Shawn Wilson-Cherry
Brenda Redmond
Learning Support - Visual Impairment
Amy Colaizzi, Visual Impairment
Andrea Trover, TA-Visual Impairment
ESL (English as a Second Language)
Occupational Therapist
PALS Tutor
Physical Therapist
Ann Califano, Speech Language Pathologist
ISS Monitor
Kirsten Hines, ISS Monitor/Cheer Coach
University Instructor
Child Nutrition Services
Charlene Weaver--Child Nutrition Manager
Cafeteria Staff
Oteasha Bray
Vita Dowe
Linda Evans
Jacqueline Hines
Lunch Monitors
Hattie Washington
Milton Washington
Custodial Services
David Brown, Building Supervisor
Mary Thompson, Senior Custodian
Jahmond Cowell
Lanneka Sykes
Ja'Von Allen
Security Officers
Michael Blackwell, Security Officer