• Welcome to the Northside Media Center!


    Library Media Specialist:  K. O'Brien

    Library Media Assistant: J. Klotz

     Hours of Operation:

    The Northside Media Center is open during normal school hours.



     Contact:  (757) 531-3150


  • Resources at a Click!

    Click on the image to be directed to the sites.

    Destiny Quest

    Search the Northside Catalog

     Follett Shelf for eBook access


    Log into Follett Shelf with your NPS username and password to view our eBooks.  

    Once you log in, you may view books, read them online, listen to our audio books, and check them out all from your own device.  No downolading necessary.         

     Reference Resources

    Reference Resources 

    Visit the NPS Reference Resources site for NPS up-to-date resources.

    For login information, come to the Northside Media Center to pick up a tri-fold.

    Owl reading book


