Mental Health and Coping Links
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19
Child Mind Institute
Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus
Crisis Management Institute
COVID-19 Resources for School Counselors
National Association of School Psychologists
Talking to Children About COVID-19: A Parent Resource
National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement
Pandemic Response Resources
National PTA
Resources for families concerned about remote learning and stress and anxiety related to COVID-19.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Resources During COVID-19
Social/Emotional Learning
- BrainPOPprovides movies with social/emotional learning components that students can watch and respond to.
- CASELhas collected a number of resources to assist in addressing students’ social and emotional needs.
- Centerventiongame-based behavior interventions help students practice social and emotional skills.
- Inside SELlinks to a number of social/emotional learning resources.
- NEWSELAoffers social/emotional learning lessons students can complete remotely.
- Sanford Harmonyat National University provides social and emotional learning tools for pre-K–6.
- Second Stepis offering free social and emotional learning activities for ages 5-13, a podcast for families and a mindfulness program.