- Tarrallton Elementary School
- Counselor's Corner
School Counseling
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Counselor's Corner
As school counselors, we work with students, parents, faculty, staff and community members in a variety of ways. Each service is aimed at helping all children learn and develop to their highest potential. School counselors help children work through normal developmental issues. They teach skills that will help students throughout life. Elementary school counseling services are available to ALL students.The various programs and services are summarized below.
Classroom Guidance
Classroom guidance lessons are provided throughout the year to all classes. Class activities and discussions with students focus on a variety of topics such as understanding self and others, making friends, differences in tattling and reporting, dealing with bullying situations, cooperation, problem solving, decision making, conflict resolution, career awareness, and character education.
Small Group
Small group lessons will be offered throughout the year for students to discuss specific concerns they have in common with other students. Small groups typically meet during lunch or morning meeting to be least disruptive academically. It is often comforting for a student to work with peers in a small group setting to discuss similar concerns or brush up on various skills. These groups will cover topics such as divorce, self-esteem, anger management, friendship, study skills, and grief. Group members are primarily referred by teachers; however, parent permission is needed to participate. If you would like your child to participate in a group that they are not referred to, please let us know. We would love the opportunity to work with your child. Groups will meet for approximately four to six weeks. Each weekly session is about thirty minutes long. The first small groups will begin in October. Other groups will be held throughout the year.
Individual Counseling
We are also available to meet individually with students to discuss any concerns or worries. Typically, these issues are related to friendship, grief, divorce, resolving conflict, and school anxiety. Students may be referred to the counselor by a parent, teacher or administrator. Students may also refer themselves. If you would like for your child to be seen individually, please do not hesitate to call.
Additional Services
We are available for consultation with parents and/or teachers to discuss issues which might be impacting a student’s academic, emotional or social success and to plan strategies for successful learning.
Please remember that the counselors are here to help your child have the best school year possible and to help you and your child’s teacher make that happen. We look forward to getting to know each of you and your children throughout the year. Should you have any questions or concerns, please call 757-531-1800 or email Mrs. Reid at lreid629@nps.k12.va.us anytime.