- Jacox Elementary School
- Overview

Phone: 757-628-2433
Degrees and Certifications:
Dr. Principal – Cleveland Walton
“Welcome to Jacox Elementary School, home of Panda Nation. We expect to see continued academic success for our students in the 2023-2024 school year.
By way of introduction, I am Dr. C. Walton, III. I look forward to serving as the Principal of Jacox Elementary School for the 2023-2024 school year. Prior to coming to Jacox, I served as the Principal of Sewells Point Elementary School, Principal at J. B. Fisher Elementary School in Richmond, Assistant Principal at Aberdeen Elementary School in Hampton, and First grade teacher at Captain John Smith Elementary School in Hampton.
I will continue the challenge to create and supervise an academic program that meets the individual learning needs for every student who comes through our doors. As the instructional leader, I purpose to ensure that our students are equipped with the necessary tools to thrive and succeed and become productive citizens in our global 21st century. To that end, the staff and I are committed to ensure that every student receives a quality education and builds significant relationships with students, faculty, staff, and administrators. Working together we can maintain a nurturing learning community where every student feels valued and safe to learn at Jacox Elementary School. Thank you to our awesome staff for their amazing professionalism, incredible energy and commitment they exhibited to our students during the past school year. We extend a warm welcome to those families who are new to the Jacox school community. We also welcome all new faculty and staff to our school.
Thank you for sharing your child with us. I know that together, we will make this school year an incredibly successful and exciting one. Thank you for visiting our website.
If you have any ideas, questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to contact me via email at cwalton400@nps.k12.va.us or by phone at 757.628.2433.

Phone: 757-628-2433
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Marcia E. Brown, Assistant Principal
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year at Jacox Elementary, home of the Pandas. I truly believe that all of our young scholars will have a fantastic school year of learning. Not only will they learn, they will teach one another while working cooperatively in small groups in all content areas. Our Pandas will stay "TRUE" (Think, Read, Understand, and Explain).