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OCR: Harrassment Free Environment
September 8, 2014
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Norfolk Public Schools (NPS) strives to ensure that students and staff members are afforded the opportunity to thrive in educational environments that are conducive to learning and free from harassment. In collaboration with the U. S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR), the school division has developed comprehensive, proactive procedures to prevent sexual or disability harassment and to address any concerns that arise.
Among these procedures is ensuring that all members of the NPS community, including students, faculty, staff, and parents are notified of the division’s prohibition against all forms of harassment. NPS has clearly stated its position regarding discrimination and harassment in our 2014-2015 “Standards of Student Conduct” handbook, which has been distributed to all students and also may be found at www.npsk12.com. NPS’ belief and expectation is that all our schools are safe places to learn. Therefore, under no circumstances will bullying, harassment, or intimidation of any kind be tolerated. If you experience, witness, or are informed of such behavior, please report it immediately to the principal or assistant principal. The school contact number is 628-2433.
You may email the principal at rsmith50@nps.k12.va.us and the assistant principal at ldgates@npsk12.va.us. You also may report alleged incidents of bullying, harassment, or intimidation by e-mailing safeschools@npsk12.com or by calling our Safe Schools Hotline at 757-628-1171. The school division’s contacts are:
Dr. Elsie Harold Lans
District Coordinator for Title IX
800 E. City Hall Ave.
Norfolk, VA 23510
Mrs. Voncia Gould
District Coordinator for Section 504
800 E. City Hall Avenue
Norfolk, Virginia 23510
Be assured any reports of bullying, harassment, or intimidation will be investigated. We will provide safe, secure school environments that encourage all students to maximize their academic potential, develop skills for lifelong learning, and become successful contributors to a global society. We look forward to working with you and your child this school year.
Rohan Cumberbatch-Smith
Jacox Elementary School